Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation
Helping Children Through Grants
Through grants, Yavapai CASA for Kids provides items needed by foster children that are not covered by other sources. Needs may include bedroom furniture so that a child can reside with a relative after being removed from his/her home; computers so that teens can perform as well as their classmates in school; or travel expenses for school activities or dance competitions.
Grants are intended for use by CASA volunteers, CPS Case Managers, Foster Parents, Dependency Attorneys or anyone else involved with a dependent child.
Compass Bank Foundation and Shasta Regional Community Foundation are among the sponsors for the CASA for Kids Grants.
Here are some of the things our grants program has provided for local kids in 2015:
December 2015
This is the time of year that young and old want to believe in Santa Claus. CASA for Kids was instrumental in helping that jolly man. Not just for the things you can find under the Christmas tree, like tablets, computers, bicycles and helmets, but also the day to day comfort of beds, blankets and pillows.
November 2015
Funds where provided for YMCA Youth Basketball. Basketball can burn calories, build endurance, improve balance and coordination, develop concentration ,self-discipline and build muscle, as well as learning to work as a team.
October 2015
There was a child going deaf and we were able to give him an Ipad w/cover. Also, another child needed glasses due to a retina issue. A couple bicycles for birthday presents and gymnastic lessons. You know gymnastics can help with a multitude of skills both physical and personal. But did you know it can also help with politeness, work ethic, discipline, determination, overcoming fears and compassion.
September 2015
It's that time of year for Driver's Education, thanks to our generous donors we were able to help a teen get their driver's license.
August 2015
Again at the top of the list was clothes, along with computer necessities for school, AYSO soccer fees, and last but not least beds. Something some of us just take for granted everyday.
July 2015
This month, emergency clothing was the greatest need with us giving over $900.00 to a number of individual families.
June 2015
Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation was able to fund Time 4 Teens Summerfest. What is Time 4 Teens (T4T,) a group of individuals dedicated to support and help build a future for youth by bringing the gift of hope to young adults by assisting in their successful transition into adulthood.
May 2015
This month we were able to provide bunk beds, riding helmets, swimming lessons, guitar lessons, little league fees, and YMCA Sky-Y Secret Agent Camp. All these items allows a kid to feel like they are a normal kid!
April 2015
We were able to help a child with Equestrain camp. Did you know, NO successful relationship with a horse can exist without trust. Some of these means include patience, kindness, respect, compassion, communication, integrity, consistency, confidence and resolve. Horses respect those whom they trust. Earning the trust of a horse can help a person to trust themselves.
March, 2015
Thanks to your generous support, a 13 year old girl in foster care has been provided with transportation so that she may participate in out of town activities with her Gymnastics team!
February, 2015
Yavapai CASA for kids was able to allow a teen boy in foster care to attend the Rights of Passage Weekend but on by Boys to Men!
February, 2014
With your largesse, we were able to send three CASAs (court appointed special advocates) to attend a national training conference! Did You Know: Research shows that children who have been assigned CASA volunteers tend to spend less time in the foster care system than those who do not have CASA volunteer.
January, 2015
Yavapai CASA for Kids has allowed a 5 year old boy in our community to join the Knee High Naturalists Club at The Highland's Center for Natural History! Did You Know?: According to a 2004 study published in the American Journal of Public Health, contact with the natural world can significantly reduce symptoms of ADD in children as young as 5!
January, 2015
With your help, Yavapai CASA for Kids was able to help a 17 year old boy in foster care with funeral expenses for his mother.