Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation
Yavapai CASA for Kids Receives Grant from Arizona Women’s Partnership
PRESCOTT—Yavapai CASA for Kids, Inc. (CASA for Kids), a nonprofit organization that serves the unmetneeds of abused and/or neglected children who are in the care of the Court (and often living in foster homes), was recently notified that it was selected as one of 10 grant recipients by the Arizona Women’s Partnership Inc.
Yavapai CASA for Kids Request Holiday Gifts
Yavapai CASA for Kids Inc., a nonprofit organization that serves the unmet needs of children in the care of the court, is once again asking for the public’s help in purchasing holiday gifts.
Another Successful Year with our Supplemental Clothing Card Program!
Ashley Bagwell of Arizona’s Children’s Association receives a check from Sandra Talosi, board member of Yavapai CASA for Kids, Inc., to be used to purchase clothing gift cards for youth aged 18 – 21 who previously had been in foster care and have since “aged out” of care but participate in an independent living program designed to help them achieve success as adults. The bags on the table hold similar gift cards, to be given to Child Protective Services, for essential clothing needs for more than 300 dependent children in the quad-cities area. This year, CASA for Kids spent approximately $14,000 on this supplemental clothing program.
Funds for Clothing for Children in Foster Care
Antelope Hills Ladies Golf Association donates $1.400 to Yavapai CASA for Kids to provide clothing supplements for children in foster care.